Procedural Sedation in the ED
We the undersigned registered nurses who are licensed in the State of Florida respectfully request that the Florida Board of Nursing consider the following when deciding on the proposed rule language for Rule 64B9-8.005. Administration of medications to achieve procedural sedation in the emergency department is an integral part of necessary, timely, and appropriate care for many patients in our care. The primary goal is to manage pain and anxiety while facilitating immediate interventional procedures. We support evidenced based practice. There is substantial evidence to support that credentialed emergency nurses working side by side with credentialed emergency physicians can safely and efficiently administer the medications indicated for procedural sedation. These medications may include but are not limited to propofol, etomidate, ketamine, midazolam, and Fentanyl. We believe that both patient safety and satisfaction will be increased by allowing us to safely administer these medications in an emergency department with appropriate resources immediately available. We request that we be allowed to administer medications for procedural sedation and are willing to complete appropriate education and competencies to be credentialed to do so.