Flash Warnings on Movie Previews
Heather Jackson for Samantha Lapointe 0

Flash Warnings on Movie Previews

30 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Heather Jackson for Samantha Lapointe 0 Comments
30 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition is being started by Samantha Lapointe, epilepsy advocate living with Doose syndrome, a rare severe form of epilepsy. People living with epilepsy's seizures can be triggered by flashes. What often has flashes? Previews in movie theaters. So I propose that there should be a warning before it's shown to warn and prepare people with epilepsy so they can take precautions. The average theater seats 200-300 people. 1:26 people have epilepsy. That is potentially 10 people that could be at risk of having a seizure in the theater without this type of warning. Thanks for your signature. Spread the word. www.facebook.com/turnthewhitehousepurple www.dosesyndrome.org

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