Fix the double tap Y issue on MW3

By The YY issue, I'm reffering to when you double tap Y In this game it's apparent that when we press "YY" there is a huge delay before we are allowed to shoot our guns. Now in the previous games we were able to do this when switching out weapons to allow us access to the quicker. This showed that the more skillfull player was able to get quick kills such as turn ons through sound whoring etc etc. As well as that, we know that infinty ward are keen on there players being creative and in there words "make the game how they want it". Now this part is based around the trickshotting community, and as much as I know a lot of people dislike it, you have to consider there are a good 500,000 people that do this kind of stuff, for instane check out; youtube.com/fazeclan Back onto the topic though ^.^ By not allowing the trickshotters to "YY" it makes it virtually impossible for them to be creative. Understandabley you have perks like sleight of hand pro in place to enable us to switch weapons out faster, but I think that when a player double taps Y, rathar than there being a huge pause before they shoot, they should be allowed to shoot instantly. This is how it was in every other call of duty game and I think it's stupid to change it on this one. Thanks if you read it all - Crez