Fix Medicare Now

Doctors and Medicare recipients are united in the fight to get Congress to Fix Medicare Now. Because of its inaction on a permanent fix for Medicare funding and reimbursement, Congress has forced doctors to limit thenumber of Medicare patients they can see or worse, quit seeing Medicare patients altogether.
Congress alone has the power to solve this problem.Medicare recipients and their doctors cannot wait any longer; Congress, we call on you to Fix Medicare Now. The current system fails the American people andmust be fixed if doctors are to continue seeingMedicare patients and seniors are tocontinue receiving the kind of highquality care they expect and deserve.
Sign the petition to urge Congress to Fix Medicare Now!
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Medical Association of the State of Alabama
Alabama Society of Allergy and Immunology
Alabama State Society of Anesthesiologists
Alabama Academy of Opthalmology
Alabama Academy of Family Physicians
Alabama Association of OB-GYN
Alabama Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Alabama Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
Neurosurgical Society of Alabama
Tuscaloosa County Medical Society
Walker County Medical Society
Medical Society of Montgomery County
Medical Society of Mobile County
Jefferson County Medical Society
Madison County Medical Society
Houston County Medical Society