Steven Sutherland 0

Fix the problems on PSHome Sony

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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41 people have signed. Add your voice!
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People who are tired of Playstation/Sony Ingoring it's customer baise and neglect its consumers, please take the time to read this! My aim is to get enough signitures to let Sony know we are tire of being ignored and want a change! The D5021 errors were the straw that broke the camels back for me! But its not only that there is other issues that are plauging Home! faulty glitched items, missing rewards, broken events the list goes on. I'm sure you have other things that could be added to the list my goal and hope is that if enough people speak their mind such as myself that they will actually do something about it! I am sure that you like my self want things to get fixed. In the three years I have been a user of Home has it not been as bad as it is now! so if you feel like me and want Sony to do something about it! I.E. fix the broken glitched items and ensure that no item goes missing paid or rewarded! and fix mini games in private and public spaces! hopefully sony will hear our cries! I myself will not get on Home again till they take action and not just for theD5021 error! thank you for your time in reading this! and please spread the word if you feel the same as me! Thanks Again! have a great day!

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