Fix Plum Run Road Mannington

Plum Run Road has been closed to traffic since May 2018. What is normally a 10 minute drive to take my child to school (we don’t have a safe bus stop) now takes me an additional 45 min each way bc I have to travel to Farmington and circle back to Fairview. Now the other end is collapsing and we will have no way in or out. We have no fire hydrants in the area and a tanker truck would not be able to get to us due to the condition of the road and weight of the truck. In the event of a medical emergency it would take an ambulance an extra 30-45 minutes to get here. Many community members have called the state road and we are all told that the State is Broke (No Funds) and the road could take years to fix. We are asking for everyone to sign this position bc this is unacceptable. We are tax payers and we want a safe road to travel. In the