Don't take away our breaks!

We, the employees of the Social Research Centre, have signed this petition in protest of the recent decision made by management to take away our 5-minute toilet and personal refreshment breaks. We understand that it is the intention of management to force us to use our own time for such things as using the bathroom or getting a drink so that it may increase productivity, however we feel that there are better ways to increase productivity, such as briefing and rostering more interviewers for each job. The argument put forward to justify this measure has been that the SRC is losing too many hours, but considering that some jobs have actually finished earlier than expected, it seems that interviewers are being at least as productive or even more productive than expected. Furthermore this indicates that there should be a number of out of work interviewers available for work on other projects if those projects are in need of more hours. In addition, and contrary to the way that this measure is being presented, this decision has been made in direct violation of clause 17.10.3 of the union agreement which states that â