Fire Elisabeth Hasselbeck from The View
Vince Pryor 0

Fire Elisabeth Hasselbeck from The View

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Vince Pryor 0 Comments
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If you watched or read the news about Rosie O\'Donnell\'s last week on the view, you undoubtedly read many headlines about "Rosie\'s Big Fight With Elisabeth" in which Rosie was portrayed as angry and unpatriotic, which ultimately led to her leaving the show. However, if you have watched the actual footage of the discussion that occurred on 05/23/07, you can see that it was Elisabeth who was the aggressor throughout the entire discussion. Elisabeth began by interrupting Joy with sarcastic comments as Joy attempted to provide some facts about the George Bush presidency, and then continued as Elisabeth angrily defended her refusal to respond to the Republican pundits who incorrectly said that Rosie called the U.S. troops terrorists. As the discussion progressed, Rosie repeatedly tried to de-escalate the situation and not get into a disagreement. However, Elisabeth angrily continued in her blind defense of this administration and her criticisms of Rosie\'s views. While many have portrayed this fight as one over politics, it was really a fight about friendship and Elisabeth\'s refusal to support Rosie by denouncing what these pundits were attempting to say about her. It is unfortunate that Rosie chose to leave The View after this incident, when it is Elisabeth who should be removed from the show for her angry and hateful tirade. Elisabeth has consistently used The View as a platform to perpetuate inaccuracies about the Iraq War and has shown a blatant disregard for the feelings of others who disagree with her. While the purpose of The View is for different views to be expressed, each co-host should be able to express their views without being attacked by a closed-minded co-host who blindly refuses to listen to facts and uses the show to angrily spout propaganda. This petition calls for the removal of Elisabeth Hasselbeck from The View to ensure that all reasonable views can continue to be heard. If you support this effort, please add your signature below. NOTE: You do not have to donate any money to sign this petition. If you see a request to donate to iPetitions after you sign, just close your browser. Your signature will still be counted.

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