Billy Packer: A Disgrace to Unbiased Broadcasting
We the people request that CBS Sports, a legitimate broadcaster of professional and collegiate sports, in the interest of preserving unbiased, professional commentating, remove Billy Packer from broadcasting NCAA Men's Basketball games. Although his resume includes several awards he received over 10 years ago, in his lengthy tenure, Packer has grown so aloof that he disregards his duties as a broadcaster, most especially the responsibility to remain professional and unbiased in broadcasts. Packer made remarks that have tarnished his reputation and indirectly, the integrity of the broadcasts in which he has participated. Beyond his outwardly unbiased expression of personal opinions, he has also offended society through derragatory racial (Allen Iverson a "tough monkey" according to Packer) and gender comments (suggesting women are not fit to check press passes and tickets to men's games). In an effort to secure the integrity of our beloved sports and to preserve something called fair and balanced media, we ask that Billy Packer be removed from the CBS broadcasting staff, especially the UNC vs. Duke rivalry games, for which his blatant favoratism is not hidden in the slightest.