Mike Theisen 0

Fire Rockville School Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith

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48 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Rockville, Maryland School Superintendent, Dr. Jack Smith is a disgusting misogynist who condones the raping of helpless little girls. Illegal immigrants, Jose O. Montano, 17, from El Salvador, and Henry E. Sanchez-Milian, 18, from Guatemala were put in the same classroom as this helpless 14 year old female student where they joined forces to trap and brutally rape her in a hallway bathroom.

Upon widespread attention to this case, instead of standing up for the word of this helpless victim, Rockville Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith chose instead to demean and condemn the obviously concerned parents and students as "racists" for their concerns. He would rather endanger the lives of all the students within the 204 schools for which he has governance, than acknowledge the existence and purpose of the immigration laws of this country which are intended to keep all American CITIZENS safe.

This is just the beginning of the acceptance of lawlessness and the loss of rights for our American children as part of the nationwide pursuit of the liberal agenda to promote the blatant violation of immigration laws.

With careless, incompetent leaders such as Dr. Jack Smith in charge of the future of this nation, we cannot expect to have much of a future at all. Fostering a rape environment in which American female students are too terrified to speak up when they are violated because of the fear of school board persecution, is something that occurs in communist regimes, not in American school systems.

Take a stand for the sake of all the children of Rockville, and all the children across America. Take a stand for the foundation of America, the Constitution. Do your part to restore the laws and safety of this country by voicing your opinion to have Dr. Jack Smith removed from his position.

He has no place in any school system and no right to place our innocent children in harm's way.

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