Fire ESPN analyst Skip Bayless

I know there's millions of die hard sports fans out there who enjoy watching their favorite sport and all the extra coverage that comes along with it. Such as SportsCenter, NFL Live, Baseball Tonight, College Football LIve, etc., and all the daytime sports shows as well, like Mike and Mike, PTI, Around the Horn, and all the other shows they have for our viewing pleasure. But there's one show in particular that I would like to talk about and it's called First Take. Because i used to like the show, but like a whole lot of other people, I'm at the point where I just can't watch anymore because of that moron Skip Bayless. What's his deal? Why is he even still with that network? He's to bias and he gets away with giving false stats to support his stupid arguments. I know everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but he is just to over the top. Please get rid of that clown. ESPN, your better than that. Please replace him!!