jim ostwind 0

Fire Brian Kelly

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422 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Hey, is anyone sick of Notre Dame having lackluster after lackluster football seasons?

We seem to keep getting sub-par coaches, why is that?

Football is gigantic at & for Notre Dame so far as big money, big tradition, big ratings & big coverage ie: NBC coverage contract!!!

We have one of the largest fortunes in NCAA Football, can't we afford the very best???

Ohio State, Michigan State, Florida State, Alabama, etc.seeming have better coaches & their programs are clearly on the right track!!! Heck even University Of Michigan has a guy now seemingly going in the right direction!!!

Simply put, we have a coach who says he's the best but cannot win a big game!!! Brian Kelly cannot even get the team up for the right games like Holtz could & his decisions & play calling do not add up!!!

Lou Holtz won the Big Games, he could get his players up for the Big Games, Kelly cannot, look at the record, it speaks for itself!!!

Let Kelly go & pay what takes to get a Nick Saban or the like!!! Restore the Glory at Notre Dame again!!!

If not, we'll keep losing games like the Clemson game & having Quarter Backs go win & shine like now at Florida State...

Brian Kelly said this is the best team he's coached, really Brian, REALLY???

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