If you have a loved one in a WV Group Home, you are most likely aware of the consistent problems—incorrect food temperatures, missed medication, poor hygiene, and even physical and emotional abuse.
These vulnerable individuals, many of whom are unable to speak or care for themselves, rely on staff from these facilities to provide daily care in a loving and safe manner.
What happens when the system fails?
Reports are filed and some are investigated. Many times, if an institution is guilty of these acts, our state allows them time and time again the opportunity to correct the problem. The reality is, nothing changes. It’s a vicious cycle.
We need to hold these multi-million dollar companies responsible for allowing this behavior. For every substantiated complaint, they should be fined per occurrence.
After being hit for several hundred thousand dollars each month, I’d be willing to say significant, positive change would happen.
Again, if a complaint is lodged, investigated and found to be true, group homes should pay a significant fine!
What to do with the monies collected? Let’s give it to those suffering in these institutions—better medical, dental, and psychiatric care. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Clothing, better meals, outings and activities.
My 49-year old twin sisters have been in WV group homes since 2017. They’ve been assaulted by staff, had medical issues left untreated, lost a tooth as a result of staff abuse, suffered physical and emotional trauma, and so much more. The state has separated and moved them (on more than one occasion) hours from me and now one another. I fight every day for better care.
Please sign this petition. Please share this petition. Show my sisters and thousands of others like them, we care. They matter. It’s time for West Virginia to do what’s right