Produce the financials for SpongeTech and "ALL" its subsidiaries
Your Honor,
We the shareholders of SpongeTech Delivery Systems hereby request that you DEMAND that the financials of SpongeTech Delivery Systems and ALL of its subsidiaries be submitted to the court immediately. Mr. Moskowitz has told many shareholders that there is money being held by the other 6 subsidiaries. Why the SEC is not asking for these themselves should raise some concerns on your behalf.
Also we request that you demand a full and accurate share count of all outstanding shares. This will show Your Honor that the naked short selling we talked about DOES exist.
Having the information listed above is the ONLY way for ANYONE to know exactly where SpongeTech stands, financially speaking.
Your Honor, if you do not make these demands you are effectively signing off on the demise of SpongeTech and the loss of millions of dollars investors have made in the company. We see absolutely no reason whatsoever why this cannot be done before the trustee or the SEC can make another move to destroy the company. If you so order it.