Financially conservative prison reform

The goal is to lower recidivism rates in a way that doesn't cost tax payers money. Beneficiaries are everyone tax payers, business, n most of all the prisoners. Step 1 allow business owners to build factory's on prison grounds at their expense in exchange for lower wage workers . The prisoners r paid at an estimated $5-7 an hr . 30% goes on their commissary 30% in a savings account 30% goes in a group educational fund n 10% to charity to help pay back their debt to society . The goal being to ensure every inmate leaves with savings. An employable skill and some cognitive behavioral therapy as well . Food cost for prison will go down as well because of everyone having commissary money . This petition is meant to float the idea n allow the senators to work out the details . I know that there are groups who advocate against prison labor but as an ex con I can assure you if u took a vote the prisoners would overwhelmingly vote for prison industry.