Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts remasters/ports on Xbox One
Nathan Stephenson 0

Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts remasters/ports on Xbox One

30 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Nathan Stephenson 0 Comments
30 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Xbox gamers have long been starved of great Japanese RPGS like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, but it seems that with FFXV and KH3 coming to Xbox One, this might be starting to change.

With this improved relationship between Square Enix and Xbox now is the best time to show them how much we want their old greats on our console.

I grew up playing the likes of FF7, 8, 9 and 10, but never got to play the original 6 games that brought the series to prominence, and by the time FF12 came out, I had became an Xbox user so never got to play it either.

Also, with Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out on Xbox, we deserve to be able to play KH1+2. These games have just recently been remastered on PS3 and will undoubtedly be remastered again for PS4, so Xbox users should be able to enjoy these great games too.

I recently sent Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, a message on Xbox Live and surprisingly he responded. The question I posed to him was whether bringing these games to Xbox would be possible. He said that this was a good idea, but his key point was that we would have to push Square Enix on the matter, hinting that it is demand, and not Sony owning rights to these games that is the limiting factor.

I know there is a massive demand for these games, but we need to our voices and show Square Enix how much we'd love to get these games.

Please sign this petition and make it happen!

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