Fill the Dr Pepper Machines!
Christiane Browne 0

Fill the Dr Pepper Machines!

35 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Christiane Browne 0 Comments
35 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now


Reasons to fill the Dr. Pepper Machines at Initiative:

1- Given that Dr. Pepper is a client, this will help ensure employees are not going elsewhere to buy competitive beverages.


2- There are soda machines throughout the company that are not fulfilling their sole purpose of dispensing our favorite drinks. According to Terminator, machines are indeed capable of turning on humans. Do you really want to take that risk with your valued employees lives?


3- Petitioner is sick of walking to Bodega every morning to spend $1.75 on a 20oz. bottle of soda. It also forces petitioner to exceed their daily allowance of 12oz.


4- Dr. Pepper is the best thing to ever happen to mankind and it should be against the law to deprive people of it. Fact- depriving a person of something they love makes them a sad panda.


Realizing that budgets are tight, all that have signed this petition have conceded that they are willing to pay up to a generous 60 CENTS PER SODA to get the machines filled.


According to the Costco Business Delivery site (which we are estimating is close to the discount Initiative receives), it costs $12.18 for a 32 pack of Dr. Pepper + $1.60 CRV. Including Tax, we'll round up to $15 for a case of 32 Dr. Peppers. This comes to approx. 47 cents per soda.


In conclusion, employees are willing to cover the costs of the soda just to have their delicious 23 flavors back in a convenient location. This will allow them to focus on working hard for Initiative's valued clients and go back to getting their Pepper on!

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