Fight for Deerick Bailey

According to the Shreveport Police Department, Police attempted to stop a vehicle near Cotton Street and Common Street around 4 a.m. Saturday morning for a traffic violation when the driver tried to elude the police. Officers pursued the vehicle until he crashed into a barrier on Interstate 20. When an officer approached the vehicle the driver attempted to flee again almost running over one of the car's passengers. One officer fired multiple shots at the driver of the car. The driver drove off eventually bringing his car to a complete stop. The suspect was pronounced dead at LSUHSC.
"The police were not even in front of the car," says Roderick Washington. "The guy didn't have a chance to run over nobody…They unloaded on this man…I know if ya'll check that car I know that car has all of thirty bullets in it or more." NOT ONE OFFICER WAS ARRESTED,, ,,