Fight Against T&T Breed Specific Legislation

As you are all aware, today Tuesday 17th April 2012 the Government of T&T announced thier intention to proclaim the 2000 Dangerous Dog Act as of August 1st 2012. This 2000 Act is a duplicate of the 1996 UK Dangerous Dog Act that has been repealed as of October 2011 due to complete failure and costing the government of UK millions of dollars and seeing the number of dog bites and attacks increase significantly throughout the UK. Apart from the mentioned, they saw an increase in dog fighting, illegal breeding, illegal importing and exporting of the breed as well as the many lost court cases due to flaws in breed indentification. All around the world today, countries and states are repealing the Breed Specific Laws due to failure to curb or end dog attacks. These countries include, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, UK, Canada & US to mention a few. We support the implementation of a Dog Ownership Law that targets and holds the owners responsible as this is ultimately the cause of all dog attacks. We would like the Government of T&T to review all evidence of failed BSL laws and sucessfull Dog Ownership Laws around the world and rewrite the ancient and proven failed Dangerous Dog Act to one that will protect the public. Let's not put the country back 20yrs people! Please sign this petition in support of a Dog Ownership Law as opposed to a Breed Specific Law! Thanks!