Fight against sexual abuses at ESCP
Consent ESCP 0

Fight against sexual abuses at ESCP

128 signers. Add your name now!
Consent ESCP 0 Comments
128 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello everyone,

Since the beginning of the Bachelor, we are sure many of you already heard or even experienced traumatizing situations regarding sexual harassment, sexual aggressions or consent issues. Based on this statement, we decided to finally take action and create a structure founded on 2 main short-term pillars among many others we would be happy to discuss:

- The creation of a student-managed security team during all events, who will stick around to keep an eye on everything, be open to help others, or just to talk (especially during parties affiliated to ESCP)

- Display of prevention posters in all concerned venues (be careful for your drinks, consent, prevention)

Our objective is to promote a safer environment to live freely and party under the sign of mutual respect, which should under no circumstances be disturbed by abusive attitudes. Feel free to contact us through this email if you have any suggestions that you think would be relevant:

Don’t forget the fight starts with each one of you, you have the power to make a difference.

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