Make Fieldstone Safer For Students

January 7, 2008 Dear Mayor and Counsel, We the parents at Fieldstone Middle school are extremely concerned about the traffic during the dismissal of our children in Fieldstone. We respectfully request that the Mayor and Counsel work closely with the Board of Education to review and establish a SAFE DISMISSAL plan for our children. There are currently 447 children attending Fieldstone. There are eight buses with approximately 300 hundred kids and 147 that need to be picked up or are walking. There are only two ways in and out of Fieldstone. Spring Valley Road and Edgren Way. Fieldstone is the only school without police, crossing guards, lights or even a School Zone Speed limit on Spring Valley road. Edgren is dangerous; cars are parked on both sides of the street with cars and buses trying to get around them, while kids are running across without any guidance. We have been advised by Montvale Police that our school staff cannot supervise care on any local streets. Some Ideas and suggestion have been made: ï