Field Of Green\'s Dog Park Petition

Would you enjoy a Dog Park in Green Township We believe a dog park would provide a place for owners to exercise their dogs while obtaining highly beneficial socialization within a safe and secure environment. The dog park would fulfill a needed resource for the township\'s many dog-owners while discouraging dogs from running free in the greater community. This petition is to support the creation of an enclosed, off-leash dog park in Green Township to be developed and supported through charitable contributions. We have seen a positive response from Green Township residents and Green Township officials have responded with interest. The information gathered from this petition will be presented to township officials in order to seek their support and full approval. The Field Of Green\'s Dog Park Committee is committed to building a strong community of responsible dog owners, and maintaining good relationships with related organizations. In order to push this project forward, we need to demonstrate to township officials that there is such a need within our community. Thus, we are conducting a petition drive. We hope that you will contribute to our organization and make this park become a reality. We are asking you to fill out the petition form so your vote can be counted. We do not intend to solicit donations until we have approval from our township officials. Please help spread the word to your friends and family. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please visit our web site for more information. www.fieldofgreensdogpark.org By signing this petition, I certify that I am a supporter of a dog park, and will allow the Field Of Green\'s Dog Park Committee to use my name for gaining support from township officials. Thank you for your support. Please Note: When you click on the SIGN PETITION button, you will be presented with a screen asking if you\'d like to donate to iPetitions. This is NOT for the Dog Park, we are not asking for any donations at this time.