Fiber for Apple Grove

I want faster internet. I hate waiting as I'm sure you do. I exchanged emails with the previous mayor. Pleasant Grove won't join the Utopia network on their own volition due to cost, taxpayer burden, and how poorly it was managed financially. Google fiber seems like a pipe dream for our smaller city.
Currently our choices for internet in our neighborhood that I'm aware of are Comcast, CenturyLink and Senawave. I've tried Comcast and Senawave and have my gripes with both of them. The advertised speed for Centurylink for my address was so low I didn't bother with it. Vivint tells me they'll eventually expand their 100 mpbs up and down wireless service but they're not going to expand to our area for at least 6-12 months... maybe not even then. I've called them several times and they still seem to be in the experimental period.
The construction of the Maple Grove apartments is almost complete. Included in their renting package is fiber internet provided by Veracity. Maple Grove is literally next door to our community. They won't make me a customer by myself because digging under the street to make a new network costs thousands of dollars. However if all of us are willing to sign up we may have a chance at changing their minds.
Our advantage lies in the fact that
-Their fiber is already installed next door to us.
- We have 150 households
- Our open property plan could allow a cheaper build for Veracity. With digging under 4 or so streets it would be enough to connect all of us.
- Your investment will likely increase your property value.
-This will take all of us. If only 5 or 20 or 50 households spread out throughout the neighborhood are willing to sign up.. it's over before it starts. There are many neighbors not on facebook. They will need to see this.
-They may ask us to help with the network build in the form of an install fee. This could be $100. It could be $600 or more or zero. There is no way to tell, just guessing from other fiber installs i've heard about.
What I'll do
-Manage the responses
-Answer what questions I can
-Photoshop a map of the positive responses I get to see who else we need to reach out to.
-Make the initial pitch to Veracity (with map showing potential customers) unless the board wants to do it should this petition be successful enough to get beyond me.
What I need from you
-Spread this petition around to your non-facebooking neighbors.
For an accurate count, please keep it to one household per signature.