Stop the Installation of Verizon Cell Antenna on FFAC

Help stop the installation of the Verizon cell antenna on FFAC's property. By signing your name below, you are asking Principal Friedman, the FFAC Local School Council (LSC), and CPS to re-vote on this issue and rescind consent for the school to allow installation of the cell antenna. Since the initial vote 2 years ago, new studies have shown links between the radiation emitted from cell antennas and increased risks of brain cancer, lymphoma, and childhood leukemia. The most dangerous place for our children is to be sitting directly underneath the cell antenna. Since all studies are inconclusive and there is reasonable doubt, we should err on the side of caution and not install the cell antenna. McHenry County, NYC, San Diego, and LA are in the process or have passed legislation to block the installation of cell antennas within 500ft of school property. Regardless of what Verizon says, these cell antennas have not been proven to be 100% safe for our kids and could be deadly. Remember, Verizon is most concerned with their bottom line, not our children's health. Show your support and sign your name below.