Crush for download and Leeds festival
mark gibb 0

Crush for download and Leeds festival

21 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
mark gibb 0 Comments
21 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello, here is a petition to show the festival organisers of the download and Leeds festival, that a band they should invite to play in 2006 is CRUSH. Crush are an original band and their material is good old Les Paul/ Marshall stack quality straight forward rock and is of excellent quality, and they deserve to play in 2006. This petition will be sent to the main organiser at the end of february, to give them time to fit us in to a time slot. So please take time to sign this petition and pass it on to everyone you know to do the same...


The person responsible for the petition is Slug, and Crush can be found and contacted at:
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