Feeling the Berm?
Maisha Cole Perri 0

Feeling the Berm?

173 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Maisha Cole Perri 0 Comments
173 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello Neighbors!!

Last year we didn’t get a berm due to budget cuts. Last year was not an El Nino year, this upcoming Winter is.

There is a plan that is being approved TOMORROW (in NorCal) that doesn’t include the berm that we normally have had here in the Jungle. Many of the residents here are concerned (there are links at the end of the letter for references) about safety of people and property. Please show your solidarity for this issue by signing your name below and forward to all your neighbors who live in and around this community. Let’s work together on the front end so we aren't pulling together on the back end of a bad situation.

The petition below is going to the Planning Specialist for Beaches and Harbors, who will read our letter during public comments. We also have two people speaking on our behalf, so they should have to table this matter due to the public outcry.

Won’t you outcry with us by signing your name? Please forward, share, etc.!!!

Please add yourself, friends and neighbors to the FB Group here:


September 9, 2015

Dear Mr. Tripp,

Thank you for taking to the time to address our concerns regarding the proposed Berm that is part of the Dockwiller State Beach section of the Coastal Commission Permit # 5-14-1345. The area of oversight that we want to bring to your attention is around the proposed 300 foot berm located at Lifeguard Tower 42 (Exhibit 3, see page 13 of Permit). If the oncoming El Nino brings the dangerous tidal activity as it’s predicted to, there are over 150 residences in a vulnerable location.

Until last year, there has always been a massive berm along the beach protecting the people and property in our community. Last year, only the LIfeguard tower had a Berm in front of it, however it wasn’t a El Nino year. There is an understanding of budget cuts were the reason for the lack of regular berm in 2014-15, the cost of loss of life and property as the result of nothing thinking through the plan seems far greater. As we learned from hurricane Sandy, it’s better to have a berm and not need it, than the reverse.

We the undersigned DO NOT SUPPORT the proposed permit as-is and would like your agency to reevaluate the plan around the Culver Blvd. Berm Area.

Thank you again for your time and understanding,

The Residents of Playa Del Rey, 90293


Mandy Revel, California Coastal Commission, Long Beach

Mike Bonin, Los Angeles Councilmember, 11th District

Edmund Brown, Governor of California


Please add yourself, friends and neighbors to the FB Group here:


Link to the Permit that is the topic of conversation:


Press Regarding upcoming El Nino:


Link to Coastal Commission's Website:


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