Stop the order gatherers!
Helen Halloran 0

Stop the order gatherers!

79 signers. Add your name now!
Helen Halloran 0 Comments
79 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The following Teleflora and/or FTD members are fed up with the order gatherers stealing our local orders and sending them back to us through Teleflora and/or FTD. We believe that the whole floral industry is suffering as a result of the unethical business practice of the wire services allowing these non-florist members. The extra fees paid by the consumer as well as the unrealistic orders that are sent to us by the untrained order gatherers who have no knowledge of our products are giving all florists a bad reputation. We will no longer knowingly accept orders from non florists who misrepresent themselves to the consumer at our expense. Furthermore we ask that Teleflora and FTD cancel the memberships of all who do not have real flower shops with actual flowers and refocus their efforts towards supporting the hard working florists who do all the work for less and less profit. We are committed to serving our customers with or without wire orders which have become more of a burden than a service. We can survive with out wire orders so the question is, can Teleflora and FTD survive with out us


Concord Flower Shop,Concord Ma. has been a Teleflora member in good standing for 18 years and recently quit our 25 year membership with FTD . We know from our conversations with other florists that we are not alone in our frustration with Teleflora and FTD and the order gatherers they support. We, as florists , have been complaining for years about the direction the wire service companies have taken and now it's time to stop complaining and join forces as one voice to bring the integrity back to our industry before it's too late.


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