Extend The Undergraduate Reading Period at Duke

We, undergraduate students of Duke University, must express our dissatisfaction with the current dates for the undergraduate reading period. The current dates for the 2011 Spring semester, from April 28th to May 1, give us two working days (April 28th and April 29th) free of classes, not counting the weekend (April 30th and May 1st). During the 2010 Fall semester, we were given 1 day (December 13th) except the weekend for this purpose. Having in mind the challenging nature of our academics at Duke, we call for the extension of future reading periods during both the Fall and Spring semester by two additional days. We thus ask the university to change its plan for the 2011-12 and 2012-2013 academic calendars by extending the reading period for two days. We believe this would be a helpful, positive change for the undergraduate student body. Sincerely, The Undersigned P.S. Go DUKE!!!