No More Mega Bars in Federal Hill

The residents, homeowners, and business owners are petitioning the Baltimore City Liquor License Board to STOP granting approvals for the expansion of existing ''mega bars'' in Federal Hill. Specifically, we oppose the existing and/or future expansion plans of the following bars: Ropewalk - estimated 2500 SF planned expansion Green Olive - estimated 1500 SF planned expansion Mothers - estimated 4500 SF planned expansion McGerks Drifters Mad River Grill These current mega bars are already creating problems for the neighborhood such as increased noice, street fights, litter and public urination. In addition, the ''Spring Break'' atmosphere these mega bars are creating is degrading the quality of life in the surrounding residential community and creating a bad image of Federal Hill that will ultimately affect real estate values. Aside from the problems these bars are creating, we oppose the expansion plans becuase they do not provide any economic benefit to the community. The only people that benefit from these expansions is the bar owners and most of them do not even live in the neighborhood. We urge the Liquor License Board to STOP approving expansion plans for bars that are already a problem in the community!!!