FCC APPROVES USE OF THE \"F\" WORD ON TV AND RADIO! IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED NOW! The Federal Communications Commission has approved the use of the \"F\" word for use on any TV show or radio program, ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT! The FCC said the word can be used whenever desired except in sexual situations! >>That means that real soon you will be watching a sit-com on TV, or news, or any drama or movie-ANY PROGRAM-and it\'s ok! Hollywood is rejoicing! >>Soon, when you are driving your kids to school you will be listening to a song which makes extensive use of the word. >>Shock jocks such as Howard Stern are now free to use any language, no matter how vile and repugnant, on their radio shows. And use it they will. >>No longer will movies shown on TV have to be edited because of language. WE MUST ACT NOW TO STOP THIS! PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION SO WHEN A MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF SIGNATURES IS RECIEVED WE CAN FOWARD IT TO THE FCC