Fayette County Schools TN Dress Code Change

On July 20th, Fayette County Schools https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fayette-County-Schools/142084135855898 notified the public about the updated School Dress Code Policy. This policy stated only items that students were not allowed to wear. The Fayette County Schools facebook page further acknowledged this change and agreed that jeans and pants (blue, navy, black, white, khaki) and solid collar-less shirts in (blue, navy, white, black, and school colors) were allowed to be worn.
On July 28th, Fayette County Schools notified the public of another change, discrediting everything they agreed to on the previous policy change. According to the Fayette County Schools post, the school administrators/principals met and voted to reinforce the old Uniform Policy, with the exception or shoes - students are allowed to wear any type of shoe (besides, flip flops, house shoes and skate shoes).
According to line two of the Dress Code Policy 6.310 http://images.pcmac.org/Uploads/TennesseeSBA/TennesseeSBA/Departments/DocumentsCategories/Documents/6310_40.pdf, it states: “More specific guidelines appropriate for each school may be developed. Principals, faculty members and students shall be involved in the development of each appropriate set of guidelines.” If the principals voted to add these more specific guidelines of reinforcing uniforms, then the faculty and students also should have a voice.
Given the short amount of notice of change and the consistent back and forth of policies, we are asking that all parents please take a stand. Many parents and students have already bought new clothes based on the first policy change. Once the tags are removed and the clothing is washed, it is not able to be returned or exchanged. We are asking for parents to please sign this petition.
Also, please take the time to email each and every board member and let them know the amount of money you are out due to the last minute policy changes. Their email address are listed below.
Bob Doll: bdcpa@aol.com
Wendell Wainwright: hrsaboy@aol.com
Marandy Wilkerson: maranwilkers@aol.com
Robert Redditt: rredditt@yahoo.com
James Garrett: jamrs1972@gmail.com
Tracy Wade: tracybeasleywade@yahoo.com
Dana Pittman: dp@shadowriver.net
Sally Spencer: kensallyspencer@bellsouth.net