FIN Fathers In Need 0

Fathers Rights and Family stabilization Act

56 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
FIN Fathers In Need 0 Comments
56 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

ALL FATHERS In an effort to making a real change in the community, the Fathers of FIN (“Fathers In Need”) are on a mission.

We have been hard at work for changes in stabilizing our families, but we need your participation for the birth of the “Fathers Bill of Rights” and the “Family Formulation and Stabilization Act”.

A bill that acknowledges the “Father” as part of the household, and allows the Father to have the same rights and privileges as the Mother, to ensure the healthy development of the minor child.

Currently, under the federal definition of “family”, you will notice that Fathers are not included in the definition.

We seek to change that so that the word “Father” is made to be part of the preferred definition

of the the word “family” as used in any federally - funded programs, so that “Fathers will not be

excluded or discriminated against by being denied “Equal Treatment under the law, which

prevents Fathers from taking advantage of or participating in these programs.

Join us in our efforts to making change in bring family structure back and we need you for this to happen, either in support or IN SIGNATURE.

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