Keep Fast Tracks at Park City

For years, Park City Mountain Resorts ("PCMR") has offered "Fast Tracks"
with its season passes and certain lift tickets, meaning that, for an
additional premium, you get access to express lift lanes at the most
popular and busy chairlifts: Payday, Crescent, Silverlode, King Con,
Bonanza and Eagle.
Now that Park City is part of Vail Resorts,
it is unclear whether Vail will offer the Fast Tracks in future years.
Given the benefits of Fast Tracks, we want to ensure that Vail continues
to offer the option.
Aside from being an easy additional source
of revenue for Vail, the Fast Tracks lanes set PCMR apart from other
resorts and thus provide an incentive for ski visitors to choose PCMR as
their destination resort.
For ski visitors, the Fast Track
lanes are a huge bonus for avoiding long lines on crowded ski days, such
as holidays and weekends, and getting up the hill quickly on powder
Please show your support for keeping the Fast Tracks option
at PCMR by signing this petition. The petition will be shared with Vail
towards the end of the 2014-15 ski season.