Farm Town Cash/Coins

I am starting this petition on behalf of all of my fellow, loyal Farm Town Players. Many have said over and over again how unfair it is to have to put real money into this game to buy some of the more useful items available in Farm Town. I agree 100%. So I am starting this position in hopes that if we get enough names, The developers of Farm Town will consider the following options. -Make Farm Cash Items Available in Coins (even if they are bit over priced but still fair, that's better than it is now) -Allow us to exchange our coins, for Farm Cash! I myself feel, and I know many other loyal players feel, that it unfair for us to have to put our hard earned money into a game to receive pretend currency! I would like everyone to sign this petition if they feel the same way, and hopefully, The Developers of Farm Town will consider these options to make this game for fair to us! Thanks <3 Caitlyn