John Wynne 0

Farid family membership

125 signers. Add your name now!
John Wynne 0 Comments
125 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned, members of the Pine Orchard Yacht & Country Club, hereby petition the Board of Governors to reconsider their decision to deny Kamran and Kara Farid and their family a Regular Family membership in our club. We believe that the vote taken was done without the benefit of input from members who actually know Kamran and his family, and was the result of efforts by a small, non-representative group of members. It is our belief that the decision to deny the Farids a Regular membership was without a proper basis. We are concerned that legal action taken against our Club will likely garner unwanted media attention and hamper our efforts to recruit new members at a time when our membership rolls are down. We respectfully request that the Board rescind its decision, allowing us and other members to write in support of the Farids so that a fair and informed decision can be made. We ask that this petition be forwarded to the executive committee as well as the past presidents’ committee for discussion

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