Families For Cardinal Charter Academy West
Cardinal Charter Academy West will be a K-12 school located at the intersection of Yates Store Road and Sentinel Ferry Lane in Cary.
Due to the high population growth in the area and there not being enough schools to accommodate all the students; a K-12 school is desperately needed.
Charter schools receive 75 cents on every dollar of what a mainstream public school receives. Families that have children attend charter schools pay real estate taxes that fund these schools. Any family living in NC can apply for a seat determined by a lottery.
This school will benefit families living in Chatham County. Their base schools are very far away. It will benefit Morrisville families that pay real estate taxes, but do not have a middle or high school in the town, thus are sent to far away schools. It will be the high school for Cary families attending the Harrison/Maynard K-8 Cardinal school. The high school would be beneficial to West Cary families looking for a smaller high school environment.
This school is not affiliated with the nearby church being built.