Rebutting of the
Barbara Robichaud 0

Rebutting of the "False petition against Barbara and Louis Robichaud."

Barbara Robichaud 0 Comments
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May 21, 2009. This was the closing date on buying our new home. Being first time buyers, it was a very exciting time in our lives. Him coming from a bad 10 year relationship (where his spouse was not faithful) and me a 18 year abusive relationship. During the first week of being in our new home, we had some problems with people passing from all angles on our property. My husband caught about 10 kids smoking pot in our storage shed attached to the house in the back. Certain neighbors felt the need to complain that we had no right to stop anyone from passing on our land because "there's a road there". Children and teenagers from a local school used our property as a "road". Old and young using it for a "path" for their daily walk. 4-wheelers, dirt bikes and mountain bikes and even skate boarders! Most we never had a problem with once we explained we bought the property and we live there and not just rent. We began to have a problem with certain "school children" that went to a certain "canteen" nearby. I was verbally harassed by the store owner. (that should've been the first clue) We were being attacked verbally and physically by the school children. The canteen owner tried charging me by the means of false statements from his/her clients and tenants. When that didn't work, they (along with a minor that we previously had charged with vandalizing our home) created a "petition against Barbara and Louis Robichaud", later renaming it "" They were warned by police to stop but they just brought it private. So far we have charged a handful of teenagers and 2 more will be going to court on Dec-8-2011 for charges against assaulting my husband in our home and vandalizing our property. One of our vehicles were also vandalized (due to the "hate group" created against us. They posted pics of our properties.) Certain members of the community felt the need to bring it into our places of employment. 2009-While I was on vacation-A young fellow was hired at my place of employment. On returning to work, he had started a rumor that the reason we didn't want anyone on our property was because we were growing pot plants. He also informed fellow workers that if he and his friends wanted to go on our property with their 4-wheelers and make donuts, that there's nothing we can do about it. He also tried to get me in trouble with management by saying that I told him that I was going to kick him in the face. My co-workers were the first ones that informed me of this "hate group" in the disguise of a petition. 2 years later it is still on going and I'm afraid it won't stop because it is being fueled by adults. Pumpkins, eggs, fireworks, bottles filled with snow, rocks and verbally abusive words have been thrown at us. The police tell us to stay in the house during the noon hour of this school. (11:30 to 1:40 we have the most problem) Hopefully this petition will give me and my husband back some of our dignity. (The creators of our "hate group" are strangers, they are only canteen owners+1 teen- who sell tobacco and fireworks products to minors) These fireworks were used to be shot into the entrance of our tenants home. We would also like to see the police force be more involved when it comes to bullying and being a victim of it. No matter if the bullying is coming from a child or an adult. Adults make it worse. Let's stop the bullying!


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