PS3 Fallout New Vegas Shutdowns and bugs Fix

PS3 games are supposed to be as beautiful if not more than 360, but there are still companies like Bethesda who favors a platform to another. The graphics in Fallout 3 and New Vegas on PS3 are horrible but you all know... if it was just that ... the frame per second and all is a disaster... it's impossible how the PS3 version is broken, if I have a Xbox 360 I would not buy this game just because this company is not correct and does not care about theirs players and customers For exemple : The game crash at the beginning when I'm quietly following behind the girl and his dog in the tutorial... she just gave me a few 5.56 bullets and then when I'm behind her and follow, the PS3 completely freeze ... Thats incredible, it is a SHAME for the Playstation 3. Theres no others games that freeze like that on this system its incredible for a quality console like the Playstation 3 What a disappointment is F:NV after playing Oblivion (and even fallout 3)! On Playstation3 cause dont forget that here the luckys are Xbox possessors and banks are us the PS3 possessors. Just to clarify that my PS3 is indeed connected to the internet and when I installed the game, I installed the latest update on startup too. We are the 13 may 2011 and the game has been release on 19 october 2010 And Fallout New Vegas is always unplayable due to complete freezes of the PS3 console and the loss of steady progress at almost every 20 minutes / a half hour sometimes less or more (and others action in the game cause it to crash too, since its so buggy) I am a humble gamer who pays all his games and I can only bring myself to create this petition against this scam that is this game meant to offer us countless hours of gameplay and fun, But in the end is revealed unplayable. The purpose of this petition is to Take affected Bethesda and Obsidian to do their work, either, to finish their game and make it properly playable. To Fix the steady complete shutdowns, bugs and Lags!!!! Something that is far from complete......... For Gamers !!