Fairness 4 Dublin 8 Young People
To: Mr Philip Maguire, Interim City Manager
Mr Dick Brady, Assistant City Manager for Housing
Cllr Dermot Lacey, Chairperson of the Strategic Policy Committee on Housing
Dublin City Council
I am writing to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed changes to the youth homelessness facility, the Cara Foyer, located in my local community centre St Catherine's on Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8.
For almost ten years this facility, which deals exclusively with young people aged 18 to 25, has been a successful part of our community.
The decision to turn it into a general homelessness facility was taken without any consultation with the local community or our elected representatives, or the many community and voluntary organisations who use St Catherine's.
I have no objection to the youth homelessness facility staying. I object only to the idea of putting a general homelessness facility, which will be a magnet for anti social behaviour, next to a facility used by hundreds of young people every day.
I am asking you to put the decision on hold and to immediately meet with my elected representatives and with the action group established at a meeting of the local community on 25 July to resolve this matter.
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