I am signing this petition in support of keeping Fairfield\'s Maternity & Children\'s Wards open

\"I hope you can help. My baby son was recently treated for bacterial meningitis at Fairfield Hospital in Bury. He was very poorly for a while but is now on the mend, thanks entirely to the quick treatment and level of care he received. Whilst at the hospital, my wife and I were informed by staff that the Ward faces the imminent decision of closure. The next nearest hospital could be too far away in a emergency and for our son\'s sake (as well as many other children who live in our community) we have started a petition to help make them re-consider the closure. I hope it is not too late, but I fear it may be. If this decision is made CHILDREN WILL DIE. We were lucky with our son, but others may not be. We have started a petition, which was presented to the Chief Exec of the Trust today - in the last 6 days we have managed to gather 1,684 signatures to accompany our letter of concern. We have started this online petition to get as many people as possible to support the campaign to keep the Maternity and Childrens Wards Open. Regards Dave Clark\"