Fair Pay & Conditions in Adult Entertainment

IMPORTANT: This document is a draft
only. Upon completion of a final draft, the petition and proposal will be submitted to ALL agencies operating in Melbourne.
Industry Meeting held 1st December 2013 – attended by agency representatives and representatives from the three types of performers (toppys, raunchy girls, toy girls).
Purpose: To discuss inequity and discrepancies in show fees. General discussion of industry-related issues.
Below is a summary of the issues discussed, with our requests for resolution.
Issues Discussed:
· When & How were “industry standard” prices compiled
· Inequity in payment between Raunchy shows and Toy Shows, solely based on show length (excluding explicit content). In particular why many agencies pay the same fee for a Raunchy with the Lot and a Hot Vibe.
· Cancellation fees were an area of great confusion.
· Suitable (or preferred) attire for topless waitresses, particularly in colder weather.
· Travel charges and the blatant disregard by many agencies to enforce the “30km CBD radius” rule. The inability to adhere to the “industry standard” of $100 per hour of travel.
Request for Resolution:
Cancellation fees: It would be greatly appreciated if agents would be transparent and forthcoming about their policy on cancellation fees. This would enable performers to make an informed decision about what bookings they accept and from which agency.
Travel Charges: If agents cannot (or will not) enforce the 30km rule, at the very least they should be paying travel on jobs 35km or further from the CBD. Suburbs considered “on the border” such as Dandenong and Narre Warren are 35km and 43km respectively (as measured in Google Maps) and should incur a travel charge. Performers are frequently asked to accept bookings in suburbs such as Frankston (55km), Pakenham (63km) and Melton (45km) and paid no travel.
$100 per hour of travel has been touted as the “industry standard” for many years, yet many agents only pay $50 travel for Geelong. Google Maps measures Geelong as a 1hr drive (subject to traffic it could be slightly longer).
We would ask agents be mindful of the long-standing expectation for payment of travel and that they consistently quote and charge clients when accepting bookings. Also to pass on full payment of travel charges and not use it as a means to wrought extra money from clients.
Topless Waitress Attire: It has been noted the dazzling array of variations in attire worn by topless waitresses. The consensus from our meeting is that it is not OK to wear jeans. We would like to see agents enforce a minimum standard of dress for waitresses, based on wearing either a short skirt or booty shorts with high heels.
Show Fees: We understand and appreciate the difficulties in managing a business in an uncertain economic climate. Add to this the numerous new-comers to the industry, the market gets tight as competition increases. We also understand there cannot be massive change overnight, but there must be change for the industry to move forward, to retain existing performers and continue to attract new performers.
After much discussion, the general consensus regarding show fees is that Raunchys are paid fairly (for the time being). However, while some agencies pay $150 for a Raunchy, others pay only $140.
It was agreed by all there should be a distinction between a “Raunchy with the Lot” and “Hot Vibe”, both in the price to clients and payment to performers.
As mentioned earlier, we discussed the discrepancy in fees between Raunchys and Toys based on the show length only. To remedy this we suggest there be a price freeze on all Raunchy shows, while over the next several years Toy show fees increase. (A schedule of proposed fees is detailed below, the effective start date being 1st January 2014.)
January 2014
Toppy Min hire 2hrs $70 per hourRaunchy 15 mins $150
Bubble Bath 20mins $160
Strawberries & Cream 20mins $170
Raunchy w
lot inc: Raunchy/S&C/BB 25mins $200
(We are not asking agents who pay less
than this to raise the fee, only to not pay more than $200)
Hot vibe 25-30mins $220
Fruit & Veg 25-30mins $250
Hot Vibe w lot inc: S&C/HV/BB 25-30mins $260
Lesbian Double (with toys) 25-30mins $270 per girl
Specialty shows (explicit in content, 30min+) $300 or as agreed with performer
January 2015
Toppy Min hire 2hrs $80 per hourRaunchy 15mins $150
Bubble Bath 20mins $160
Strawberries & Cream 20mins $170
Raunchy w lot inc: Raunchy/S&C/BB 25mins $200
Hot vibe 25-30mins $240
Fruit & Veg 25-30mins $270
Hot Vibe w lot inc: S&C/HV/BB 25-30mins $280
Lesbian Double (with toys) 25-30mins $290 per girl
Specialty shows (explicit in content, 30min+) $320 or as agreed with performer
January 2016
Toppy Min hire 2hrs $80 per hour
Raunchy 15 mins $150
Bubble Bath 20mins $160
Strawberries & Cream 20mins $170
Raunchy w lot inc: Raunchy/S&C/BB 25mins $200
Hot vibe 25-30mins $260
Fruit & Veg 25-30mins $290
Hot Vibe w lot inc: S&C/HV/BB 25-30mins $300
Lesbian Double (with toys) 25-30mins $310 per girl
Specialty shows (explicit in content, 30min+) $340 or as agreed with performer
January 2017
Toppy Min hire 2hrs $80 per hour
Raunchy 15 mins $160
Bubble Bath 20mins $180
Strawberries & Cream 20mins $190
Raunchy w lot inc: Raunchy/S&C/BB 25mins $210
Hot vibe 25-30mins $280
Fruit & Veg 25-30mins $310
Hot Vibe w lot inc: S&C/HV/BB 25-30mins $320
Lesbian Double (with toys) 25-30mins $330 per girl
Specialty shows (explicit in content, 30min+) $360 or as agreed with performer
Desired Outcome: (From all agencies)
· To have consistency on show length & content as detailed above.
· To adopt the minimum fees as detailed above, effective 1st January 2014.
· To give serious consideration to our comments and requests
· To feel free to disagree, on the condition they remain open to discussion and compromise.
Please contact Jasmine with any comments or feedback.