No Use or Fair Use of Superdelegates 2008
We the citizens of the United States of America hereby declare that if we cannot rely upon the Democratic Party to ensure that our presidential nominee is chosen by the people through a democratic process, then the Democratic Party cannot rely upon our participation in the 2008 General Election. We stand united in our objection to the use of Superdelegates if they are used to overturn the will of the American people as reflected through the candidate who has won more states and acquired more elected delegates by the end of the 2008 Democratic Primaries. The very intention behind the formation of Superdelegates was to enhance voter sentiment and prevent chaos in our democratic process. Anything short of this fair and equitable method of electing the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee would not only undermine the very reason for the existence of Superdelegates, but would undermine the true voice and will of American voters, as well as the democratic process itself. 796 individuals (elected or not) should not have the power to sway the outcome of millions of votes made by citizens who have the right to expect their votes to stand collectively, uncompromised and in their own right. In signing this petition we are asking Howard Dean and the DNC to hear our voices and take heed of our desire to maintain unity and integrity within the Democratic Party and in so doing take whatever steps necessary to ensure that our presidential nominee is elected by the will of U.S. citizens and not selected by an opposing preference of a small group of Washington insiders. Sincerely, We the Undersigned