Facebook Take Down Disgusting Video Of Kitten Being Burned Alive .

video shows abuse of a living animal and there for as human beings we
have an obligation to teach our children right from wrong. If us adults
let this kind of video on Facebook and a child see it what kind of
example are we sending our child?? Not the right one that is for sure.
needs to remove this video and show they do care about what happens to
animals and what our children are seeing social media.
This video shows graphic abuse of a kitten. This is animal abuse and animal cruelty.
for this video needs to be removed.Facebook's lack of caring what goes
on has got to be taken care of and this is a start. Facebook has so
much to answer for, they allow disgust, horrific acts on pages.
Do you understand how many children will be affected by
this video?, the nightmares, the trauma you will cause them? I myself
am still in shock over this video,,,,,,,,,Please for the children, find
some compassion for our children,,,, remove the video,,,