Facebook Needs To Put EdgeRank Back The Way It Was
Shannelle Ruddick 0

Facebook Needs To Put EdgeRank Back The Way It Was

51 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Shannelle Ruddick 0 Comments
51 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The changes to Facebook have been more of a hassle then Facebook really knows. Small businesses and users can no longer reach the maximum engagement on their pages or timelines like they could before. It's time Facebook hears from their users and understands EdgeRank must be put back the way it was. No more paying a fortune for engagement, it should be FREE. Social Networking is used by billions, therefore; Facebook is already a 40 billion dollar company, and is trying to scam more out of us each day. They make enough from advertisements, it's a shame they are now using their users and small businesses to fill their pockets. We need to let them hear us loud and clear. Share this petition with everybody you know, let's make Facebook understand.


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