Georgia Renouf 0

Allow us to use what ever name we want on Facebook.

17 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Georgia Renouf 0 Comments
17 people have signed. Add your voice!
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There are over a billion people on facebook(literally), but not each and everyone one of them have their names as their real name. Some of them are beyond ridiculous, but some of them are named differently for several different reasons. I, for one, strongly believe that we should be able to have our names on facebook set as whatever we want, with the exception of no cuss words, or inappropriate slang. I see girls with the name Princess, all the time, yet when I do it, I get reported? I don't understand why I can't, but others get away with it. It's just not fair, and besides, not everyone likes their own names. Then, we get into the discussion of Transgender people, who can't legally change their names yet, due to age. So, when ever facebook is discriminating against you, and wont let you call yourself what you wish to be called, it's rather upsetting. I have seen examples of this, when my Trans friends haven't been able to change their own names, because facebook wont allow it. With this petition, if we get enough people on board, perhaps Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of facebook, will have the heart to change that policy.

I completely understand, that if this goes through, it can be used in malicious ways, however, if someone uses the account for bullying, you can report them already, that's already a right given on facebook. So, that argument is invalid, because you can already rid someone of facebook from them bullying. Saying, if this of course is extreme, because sadly, we know sometimes facebook doesn't listen. So, here I stand, hoping to persuade you guys to stand with me on this, and help make it so not only people like me, but Transgender, and such, can have their name as they please.

Thank you for your time, please consider joining us on this journey to freedom of the facebook name.

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