Facebook Child Pornography

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Facebook has once again proven to be utterly useless when it comes to removing pornagraphic content involving minors and shutting down groups that sexually exploit children.

According to a spokeswoman from The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) "Facebook's failure to remove illegal content from its website is appaling and violates the agreements they have in place to protect children''.

Last week, Facebook's director of policy Simon Milner agreed to an interview on the condition that they be provided examples of the content in question. 20% of the content was removed and BBC journalists were reported to the Child-exploitation unit of Britain's National Crime Agency.

Facebook's response was ''it is against the law for anyone to distribute the images of child exploitation''.

This action was not only hippocritical as they requested the content but indicitive of the defensive stance they have continually taken on this matter.

In the fight against the sexual exploitation of children there is absolutely no space for defensiveness as it is the defensless who will suffer.

What we would like to see happen:

-Facebook will apologize publicly to the BBC journalists they reported

-Facebook will hold the interview they cancelled live and answer all questions asked as well as share steps they have taken and will continue to take to protect our children

-Facebook with add more specific options for reporting child pornography

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