Felixstowe Against an Academy School in the Town
Marcus Franks 0

Felixstowe Against an Academy School in the Town

89 signers. Add your name now!
Marcus Franks 0 Comments
89 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Many in Felixstowe are very worried about the impact that running the proposed new high school in the town as an Academy will have on the community and our childrens' education. The decision to pass the responsibility for the education of Felixstowe students to the Essex based company called Academies Enterprise Trust was made by Suffolk County Council in September 2009. This decision will effectively pass the responsibility for providing secondary education in Felixstowe to an external company that will reduce parental choice and influence in how their children will be educated. What began as "let's decide on building a new school for the community of Felixstowe for all to benefit from" has ended up with an Academy to be run by an external company based in Essex! If you believe in community involvement in local schools and don't want to see our local education provision become part of a conglomerate of schools managed by an external company then sign our petition!


We are a group of parents of school children and other concerned members of the community in Felixstowe and are very worried about the impact that running the new high school as an Academy will have on Felixstowe and its childrens’ education. We do not believe the decision made on the 15th September 2009 by Suffolk County Council is the right one for Felixstowe.


http://faast.webs.com/ www.felixstowelearning.org.uk/ www.deben.suffolk.sch.uk/ www.orwellhigh.com/
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