Austin MacPherson 0

Extend the 406 Farther in to Mahogany

9 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Austin MacPherson 0 Comments
9 people have signed. Add your voice!
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People who live in Mahogany, make your life easier by signing this petition. when you do, and so many other people, you wont have to get up as early anymore or worry that you'll miss the bus. and when your late hey you won't have to run as far. i have made this petition for mainly almost every one who takes the bus in to Mahogany and lives farther from the bus stop that is in a non-safe range, even if you don't live there (construction workers). The other reason why i made this is because, well Mahogany is getting quite big, it can take me up to a half hour to just walk from that bus stop to my house and yes the location in the picture is near my house (it's not my house). but to be fair i can't complain their are probably some who it takes 45 minutes to maybe an hour,just to get to their house. But if you don't want to walk for 45 minutes to an hour just to get to your house, and believe me i tried walking to the end of mahogany in less then 45 minutes... it won't happen... but anyways if you don't want to walk and don't want your children to walk in -35 weather and maybe get frostbite... (if youdon'thave a car) but still even if you do please...

...sign this...

P.s please share with your friends, family, co-workers, school, etc.

-Austin MacPherson, -Mitchall Kingscote,

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