ex Robbery
It is time that our court system revamp their child maintenance, and spousal support amounts. It sounds unbelievable that the bread winner in the relationship should financially be bound to the other person, for what seems a life time for some, even after separation. The court system needs to develop more of a Grey area instead of black and white answers. There is no black and white answers when dealing with peoples lives. The story you always hear is that one out of the two are being financially RAPED to equalize the house hold incomes. It is not a matter of whether this money is needed or not, it has become a revengeful system that works solely in one person\'s favor. It amazes me that the government gives people jobs (MEP, and judges) so that they get to dictate ones financial allowance. In this revengeful system it does not matter how long or how hard you have worked to get the financial freedom you were working for, for a dictator to tell you, you need to give half of your income away. Now please think about this do you think sharing two children 50% of the time and having to pay $2340.00 per month PLUS getting stung every year with retroactive pay, which is in this case $40,000.00, is fair please do not sign this petition. If you DO NOT feel that this unbelievable amount of $$$ is fair please sign and tell everyone you know to sign, so that we can create a change for fairness. This crazy amount of money not only financially hurts people but it also emotionally, physically, and spiritually damages them to..