Expose The Division
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

Please indicate your support by signing this petition if you relate to any of the statements below, I've been banned from The Division forums for "Challenging a Community Manager" so I'll no longer be able to post this link until after the 10th of May.
- I was confident that The Division was going to be an amazing game, now I'm just shocked that it's been the most disappointing of 2016.
- The endgame in The Division is in the Darkzone, and the Darkzone is a Hacker's paradise/Exploiter's Dream.
- I was hopeful when Ubisoft reassured the gaming community that they were working on patches and hotfixes that would solve the exploitative nature of the game, only to see glitches that were supposedly fixed return after 5 days.
- I thought that legitimate players might finally have a chance to make a comeback when Ubisoft announced that they were looking into ways to punish exploiters and hackers, only to discover a week later that a 3 day suspension was the extent of their punishment.
- I trusted Ubisoft when they said they would punish those who exploited the new content "Falcon Lost", yet those same players are still in game 3 weeks later announcing "LFG Falcon Glitch Run" in regional chat.
- I felt somewhat reassured when Ubisoft announced that they were working hard on patching Falcon Lost, 4 hours after release another exploit revealed itself and Falcon Lost went right back on exploit farm.
- I was locked out of the game from day one, 3 weeks later I was still holding on tight that Ubisoft was going to make it right for me...they gave me 500 phoenix credits and some materials and I was so excited...until my friend told me that you can get 500 phoenix credits from about 8hrs of game-play.
- I'm tired, I'm fed up and I'm done letting Ubisoft make hollow promises and then make things worse on top of not keeping their word. The state of the game has actually become worse since launch instead of it becoming better.